Tuesday, August 28, 2012

~Power of the Flower~

Pretty Blooms.....
They put a smile on your face
Bring about Positive, happy emotions instantly improving your mood and
Dress up any little space in your home or office
not only do flowers do these simple things, but did you know they can also lower levels of anxiety and depression....a study has shown that women who have flowers in their home on a regular bases feel much happier and have a increased level of energy throughout the day!!
Wow..... How can you not like flowers?
Let's head to the market today and pick up some fresh Flowers!


  1. Bom dia,
    As flores iluminam o dia, e trazem a natureza para mais perto de nós.
    Have a nice week.
    Anajá Schmtiz
    Minha vida de campo

  2. Great idea, not so many blooming outside anymore so why not buy them. I love fresh flowers and all of these pictures are just beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  3. sooo candyyyyy... have a nice day girl!!! xoxo

  4. So Shabby and Chic
    Thank you for Stopping By my blog & Sweet Comment Hope you follow back

  5. Just Beautiful images!!! Have a lovely day xx

  6. simply beautiful :) there is nothing better than fresh flowers :) love all this pics, camomile especially

  7. Love all that inspiration! That white dining bench with pillows wants to live at my house!

    Your comment on my London post had me giggling. The $100 every time you go anywhere just meant that every thing in London is so expensive. Every meal or attraction seemed like it cost us a $100 each time! The language barrier in Paris was actually no problem at all and I had been quite worried about it. As long as you can say bonjour and merci your good!

  8. I just stumbled onto your blog and am interested in starting my own doll clothing blog. I was wondering if you could tell me if you've had any problems with blogger. Is there somewhere where they keep your files safe, or do you save them also to your computer?

    I also love your font...did you purchase it from somewhere?
    Thanks for the inspiration...


  9. I stumbled onto your blog the other day and was wondering if you could tell me a little about blogging. Do you have any problems with Blogger? Do you keep your files on your computer as well as the blog? I am hoping to start a blog for myself when I begin a doll clothes making business.:)

    I also love your font. Did you purchase it from somewhere you can tell me? Thanks for your help!



Sugary thoughts