Tuesday, July 15, 2008

~~Pinup Girls~~

Enter to Win this fabulous

Pin-up Book!!

The charming Betsy over at her blog "From Betsy with Love" is selecting one lucky entry to win this lovely book above! It's also so easy to enter- just send her an email by August 8th! Please visit her blog by clicking here to enter!

Do you know how Pin-up girls got started? Back when World War II was going on, G.I.'s torn sexy photos of women out of magazines and Pinned them up in there lockers, bulletin boards or any other place to display these lovely sex symbol women.
The pin-up girl began coming popular in the 1930's. It was a time when the image of a pretty girl florished. Can you guess who the most famous and very popular Pin-up is even to this day? Yup- that's right-Marilyn Monroe of course!

So what do you think of the Pin-up girls? Love them or Leave them?


  1. Thank you for the post & your support!! Great post aout pinups btw.

    Love, Betsy.

  2. Pinup girls! The world loves them, who am i to complain. But yes, I do agree too that Marilyn is and will remain the best pinup girl ever.

  3. yes..i must edmit that i like them..a lot..

    I have a award for you at my blog..

    have a great day/Marie

  4. Oh they are gorgeous.... and I love that they are all not as skinny as todays celebrities. You asked me about the price of petrol in Australia. We don't use gallons as a measure so I have no idea how a gallon relates to a litre but our petrol today is $1.59 per litre and it is the headline almost every day in the newspaper as the population is outraged! A-M xx

  5. Just sauntered by and saw your adorable blog, had to stop and browse for a bit! I love it!

    Oh, pin-ups, absolutely adore them. :-)

  6. Your too sweet! I wish I looked like her! I sure do appreciate the compliment though, so nice after a long day!

  7. What an Adorable blog1 I will certainly be back and I am gonna put you on my Favorites List of my blog!


  8. I've always been a fan of this type of creative artistry. Pretty women that do not look like stick figures and having fun...Love Pin-ups too! :)

  9. Who is the artist of the pinup laying in the hay (she looks like daisy duke) or do you know the title of the print?? imdsweet1@sbcglobal.net

  10. I know this post is a bit dated, but I'll comment anyways!

    I love them and have terminal hair envy. I also love all the things they do and started a pinterest board dedicated to "Pin Up Talent" if you care to have a gander. (http://pinterest.com/sarapins/pin-up-talents/)


Sugary thoughts